Statement of Heritage Significance
The aim of a Statement of Heritage Significance is to assess the significance of a Listed Building or group, and the contribution made by its setting in order to identify its capacity for change. This will help inform design proposals aimed at sustaining or enhancing the significance of a building and securing the optimum viable use for its long term conservation.
A Statement of Heritage Significance is most useful at an early stage in the evolution of a proposal involving additions and alterations as it can provide key information on the sensitivity of a building or parts of it. An understanding of its historic and archaeological significance fosters a valuable dialogue between the design team and the local planning authority to achieve a proposal that seeks to improve the significance and enjoyment of the building into the future.
We encourage our clients to commission a Statement of Heritage Significance at the earliest possible opportunity as we believe our reports can be helpful documents when used as part of pre-application consultation with the Local Planning Authority and/or Historic England.
The work typically examines a range of archaeological, historical, cartographical and pictorial data sets related to the building and its landscape context. A site building appraisal is also undertaken to complement the desk-based research and includes a photographic record and observational notes. The site visit also provides an opportunity to explore the setting of the building and its relationship with the local historic environment. The results of both the desk-based work and building appraisal are combined in an illustrated report.